Der Text des Liedes:
I Am
I am the child of GOD,
You are the child of GOD,
Be now what you really are,
See now the LIGHT is in you,
Here now the VOICE in you,
Feel now PEACE in you,
You are the LIGHT of the world,
GOD is here.
Der Text des Liedes:
I Am
I am the child of GOD,
You are the child of GOD,
Be now what you really are,
See now the LIGHT is in you,
Here now the VOICE in you,
Feel now PEACE in you,
You are the LIGHT of the world,
GOD is here.
wir freuen uns mit euch!
Liebe Kurs-MusikKüsse,
ich freue mich sehr euch so fröhlich zu hören und zu sehen.
I am a child of God. Und ich will fröhlich sein, dass das so ist.
Danke fürs Erinnern. Ihr seid gesegnet in all eurem Tun.